Best Thrifting in Asheville—A Local’s Perspective
Those who know me know I ain’t much of a shopper. Looking, browsing, wandering; all fine. But most of the time, it’d take a wedge and hammer to separate me from my hard won cash.
Now thrifting, that is an exception. Nothing springs me out of my anti-consumerist fugue faster than some vintage merchandise, gently used furniture, and a price tag that says “50% off.”
What can I say? I got an eye for a deal. And in search of these deals, I’ve crisscrossed the whole of Asheville, delved into many a dusty bin and many a lonely aisle, propelled by the adventurer’s thirst for long-forgotten treasures, and a cheapskate’s love for thrift.
If you too are in search of the unexpected, of wares of which you are unaware, but may truly desire to wear, then I invite you to read on and discover five of the best spots for thrifting in Asheville.

Located across the street from downtown’s Grove Arcade, the inexperienced shopper may overlook this place in favor of its historic neighbor. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of the Grove Arcade. In fact I recommend a visit there once you’re done at the Britches. Grab a cup of New Orleans coffee from Bebette's maybe. Or a sparkly stone from Enter the Earth.
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Sugar Britch’s shelves are stocked by an alliance of upcyclers intent on delivering unique pieces at fair prices, making it the perfect first stop in search of a little eclectic Asheville flare.
Myself, I go here for men’s dress shirts. Maybe that kind of thing isn’t so relevant to your wardrobe, but I’ve found some downright stunners. The fortunes of thrifting, of course, vary with the wind, but I expect you’ll find something here to your liking on your visit to Asheville.
Hours: Noon to 5pm, Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. 11am to 6pm Saturdays. Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

If Sugar Britches was the aperitif, Lulu’s I consider the main meal. They’re located down in Fletcher off Hendersonville Road, far south of where the typical tourist-thrifter would go to find their goods. But you’re not the typical thrifter. If you’re reading this article, you’re well on your way to being an Asheville veteran, and that means going off the beaten path.
At Lulu’s you’ll find two floors of sprawling recycled retail. Plenty of clothes of course, but typically there’s also a fine crop of furniture, décor, and on the bottom floor: specialty kitchenware. That last one may seem kind of niche, but I’m telling you: soon as you find that one rice cooker that just speaks to you, you’ll be singing a different tune.
Hours: 11am to 5pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Closed Sundays and Mondays.

Here we’re hitting something truly Ashevillean. With the Blue Ridge always in sight, locals and tourists alike love my hometown for its mountaineering opportunities. But these kinds of hobbies—hiking, camping, whitewater rafting—tend to run up a tab pretty quick. I thought we were trying to escape the constraints of civilization here, do I really need to shell out one hundred dollars for a water bottle?
Well no. No you don’t. Because here at Second Gear, located in Asheville’s famous River Arts District, you can get new and used adventure gear spanning everything from camp stoves to crocs. And if you’re like me, and have a loved one in your life who stockpiles backpacks and outerwear that seemed useful at the time, but don’t quite do the trick, well, now’s your chance to trade all that stuff in.
It's not your typical kind of thrifting, but Second Gear serves its noble purpose of providing just what you need for some discounted hiking in Asheville.
Hours: 10am to 6pm, daily.

Back up in downtown Asheville, Honeypot sits at the end of North Lexington Avenue, next door to a series of thrift stores and gift shops each more awesome than the next. Really I guess what I’m recommending here is starting at Cornerstone Minerals on the south end of the block, then consigning your way on north. You want your fill of downtown shopping, here it is.
But I’m mentioning Honeypot specifically because they’re most my speed. I like their style, and sure that’s subjective, but I reckon each and every savvy shopper who ends up on North Lexington will find one store that calls to them. All I can say is if you like vintage outerwear as much as I do, Honeypot’s the place to go.
And on top of all that, Lexington Avenue’s one heck of great place to stop for dinner. You got Heiwa Shokudo for Japanese, fine French cuisine from Bouchon, Mela Indian, and of course Dobra tearoom, my favorite place for an afternoon respite.
Hours: 11am to 6pm, daily.

In every thrifter’s journey, there comes a time they find the motherload. The El Dorado of discount wares. The end of the line, where every dream, every retail item, every component of a vintage outfit, may be found and fully realized.
So if you’re thrifting in Asheville, and just can’t get enough, you have to head down to the Regeneration Station. This here consignment warehouse fills out more than 36,000 square feet of thrifty merchandise, just east of Biltmore Village.
They’ve got antiques furniture, they’ve got clothes, they’ve got upcycled art, salvaged by local designers. In short: everything your heart could desire. And on price tags of $100 plus, they accept respectful negotiation. Good luck, noble thrifter, and happy hunting.
Hours: 10am to 6pm, daily.
Businesses Mentioned
Sugar Britches
31 Page Ave, Asheville, NC 28801
Lulu's Consignment Boutique
3699 Hendersonville Rd, Fletcher, NC 28732
Second Gear
99 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28801
Honeypot Vintage
86 N Lexington Ave, Asheville, NC 28801
The Regeneration Station
26 Glendale Ave B, Asheville, NC 28803